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Hi I am Radek,

Educated in Biotechnology and Chemical engineering, specialized on separation processes, I’ve been working on process and product design as an employee and a freelancer. I put resource efficiency and sustainability in the core of each project. Due to an interdisciplinary background and hands on nature, I take a bird´s eye view on the project and suggest several alternatives that will take you to the goal. Are you challenged with a complex task and do not know where to start? I believe in thinking outside of the box. Thanks to fluency in English, Dutch, Czech, German and French I am well equipped to work with international teams.

Hi there! My name is Robin.

I’ve been working as an account manager in the field of SAAS for several years, which is highly competitive and continuously evolving. Since 2021, I built up and operate two web shops with animal care products.

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Flo-Bro BV, 7884PW, Netherlands
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